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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Go out with a BANG!

Once again we have been challenged with another assignment and this one really takes the cake, we have to make a MOVIE (yes, a movie). Over the course we have been given the tools and knowledge to be able to complete such a task. Now, after lots of planning using storyboard and learning about the 7 elements of storytelling I was able to create a short film about weather. Knowing the 7 elements of storytelling is very important and serve as sort of a check list to make sure you’ve incorporated everything you need to make your story great. The 7 elements are 1) Point of view: what is the perspective of the author 2) A dramatic Question: a question that will be answered by the end of the story 3) Emotional Content: serious issues that speak to us in a personal and powerful way 4) The gift of your Voice: a way to personalize the story to help the audience understand the context 5) The power of the Soundtrack: music or sounds that support the storyline 6) Economy: simple put, using just enough content to tell the story with out over loading the viewer with too much information 7) Pacing: related to Economy, but specifically deals with how slowly or quickly the story progresses. Before starting to brainstorm and create a movie you should have a good understanding of these 7 elements so that your movie comes out effective and professional.

For my movie I first organized my information into a activity plan which just has the essential question involved with this movie, the TEKS that it covers and some small outlines of the movie its self.  My movie is geared towards 1st and 2nd science and what is appropriate for different types of weather. I made a storyboard to map out scene by scene of how I want my movie to be. Its divided up into different tables that separate the scene description, narration, sound, and the duration of the scene. My movie is about a student waking up in the morning and trying to pick out something to wear to school. She/He checks the weather report online and then took a look outside? Once she/he has gathered enough information we applied it to our closet to figure out what is a appropriate outfit to wear for the weather that day.

I think being able to use digital storytelling in the classroom will give the students a chance to work on their speaking skills like pronunciation, duration and over all public speaking. It will give them the tools to be creative and organize stories they want to tell and give the students a since of achievement when they see their video come together.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


       I am a new member of the blogging world, I just recently starting blogging and I hope to become as dedicated to it as David Warlick. He has a awesome blog called 2cents worth that he journals about he's daily activities and things he would like to share. He has so much cool information, links and journal post in his blog, its makes it a really neat place to learn. I made my own blog in hopes that I can provide some cool links, ideas and information for other teachers. I want my blog to help other teachers just as these teachers blogs do, like Mrs.Cassidys Classroom blog. Her blog is chalk full of videos, pictures and lesson plans that I love.  I also like A year of Reading blog, its a blog with all sorts of online book links, lesson plan ideas for reading and pictures of what some of her students are doing in the class.
       I also think blogs are a great tool to mass communicate with parents and students outside the class room. Blogs are a easy way for the parents to know exactly whats going on in the classroom each day, and with the comments option they can voice their ideas, concerns and questions about that day lessons. It is always stressed to keep the parents involved in the classroom so this takes the stress off makes newsletters and parent phone calls all the time. Also this is a great way to make a kid safe environment were your students can get on and look at links you've posted on the blog to take their learning experience outside the classroom.


Inquiry-based learning is a learning style, its developed around the idea that students are able to better grasp concepts from engaged learning. By using hands on techniques, and self inquiry a student can not only learn a concept but also have a deeper understanding of it which in turn results in learning beyond memorization.

Inquiry-based learning started with a man named John Dewy who revolutionized child-centered learning in the U.S in the fifties and sixties. The U.S had a growing concern of Russia’s quick military and space developments and felt that to “catch up” change with in the nations youth education was necessary. So Dewy created a learning technique that was based on real life experiences, that forced students to ask questions, engage and demonstrate a general understanding. This created the inquiry movement which gets students applying their knowledge to unique ideas, and creating more advanced, deeper understands and thoughts of concepts beyond just scratching the surface of a concept. Inquiry-based learning is based on the student demonstrating a ability to apply what they (Education Policies Commissions) call the “ten rational powers” which are recalling and imagining; classifying and generalizing; comparing and evaluating; analyzing and synthesizing; deducing and inferring. With these 10 components exercised in a concept students can effectively inquire knowledge and apply it to real life situations and expand the concept on their own.
    Project-based learning is a learning approach based on self exploration. The objective of this learning technique is that a student is forced to self inquire more knowledge and information beyond whats learned in the class room, they must research information and learn it to complete projects, then in turn they could present their finding to the class and also teach the class what they’ve taught themselves. Its a great tool to get the students involved in the learning material, they become the teachers.
I think that all student should be exposed to these types of learning because it makes your lesson plan more dynamic and also teaches your students to learn in different ways.